
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Broken Jaw and A 2 x 4

This is a cautionary tale.  A true story.  A story I want to share so that you never have to live through what I did.  In short, my friend and I were almost killed while taking pictures in downtown Detroit.  Here's what happened...

I'm a photographer, and we set out to photograph the old Packard plant in Detroit, Michigan.  I had heard how cool it was, and was excited to shoot it.  So my friend Michelle and I found ourselves standing outside this amazing building photographing the graffiti and the piles of junk.  Just the wreckage was beyond fascinating.  After an hour or so, we went to leave and that's when our lives changed.  It happened so fast it's hard to believe that I came close to losing my life...

We approached her car, and I looked at the passenger window and it was smashed, glass everywhere.  Out of the corner of my eye, I see two young guys running at us with 2 x 4's in the air ready to strike.  They came so fast.  One came running at me, the other at my friend.  The guy who came to me, said nothing.  He had a huge smile on his face.  I'll never forget that look.  Time stood still.  Unbelievably, he swung this huge 2 x 4 right into my face.  I was so shocked.  I remember crying out, "No!  Please!  Don't!"  Both hits to the head happened fast.  The next thing I remember is I'm falling to the ground.  I remember feeling my teeth out of place.  He coldly said, "Where's the money?" as if this was his daily work.  He went through my pockets as I laid on the ground. He took my wallet and phone right out of my back pockets.  And just as quickly he ran away.  

I got up spitting up blood, ran over to Michelle.  She was just laying there.  I thought she was dead.  I called her name and she didn't respond.  At this point a thousand things are running through my mind, I'm in Detroit, no phone, no wallet, no means to contact anybody.  I thought they didn't take my camera, I bet they are coming back for it.  Blood is all over me, dripping down my face, neck, shirt.  There wasn't an inch of my camera that wasn't covered in blood.  I called to Michelle one more time and she moved, got up.  I was so relieved.  She wasn't dead.  I was so pumped with adrenalin that I didn't even acknowledge that I was really hurt.  We quickly got into the car, and I'm sitting on all this glass from the broken window. This man was waving us down, he was on his phone and had already called the cops. He'd seen the whole thing.  Three cops came right away, as did the ambulance.  I remember a cop yelling at me, that I shouldn't be down here in the first place.  The paramedic put me inside the ambulance.

I went to the hospital.  Eight stitches in my lip.  Seven staples in the back of my head.  Ended up needing two oral surgery to repair my broken upper jaw and to reposition my upper teeth.  My top jaw is wired and will remain that way for 6 weeks.

I would like to point out that Michelle has photographed this building numerous times.  She's never had a problem.  That day there were a couple other photographers shooting the building off to themselves.  It was broad daylight.  It was on a main street.  We knew we were in a very risky area but felt we were ok.  Little did we know that we were being stalked by these young guys (approximately 17 years old).

I want people to know what happened to me.  I want people to be reminded that they may think they are safe at times when they aren't. I'm really upset.....I want to be proud of my own city.  But I can't.   Detroit has the potential to be such a great city, but these are some of the things that just ruin us and give us a bad reputation.  

How human is a kid who can hit a girl in the face with a 2 x 4 and a huge smile on his face?  What kind of person does that?  I feel like this kid should be charged with attempted murder.  They left us there for dead.  I feel like these guys are weak cowards to come at us with a wooden boards.

Random facts about the Packard plant:
The movie Transformers was filmed here. It has been abandon for over 50 years.  The building has 3,500,000 square-feet.


  1. Mariah, I'm so glad you posted this story. It's so horrible and I'm sure that by sharing it you will help keep someone else safe. What you went through was so awful and terrifying --- I'm so grateful you are alive. I pray that both you and your friend Michelle are able to get justice, that the police nail these guys and that you heal both physically and mentally. No one should ever have to live thru this nightmare!!! I love you and want you safe!

  2. Mariah, I am so proud of your bravery and your willingness to share your terrifying story. We have been so worried about you. Your strength to overcome this is amazing. You are a beautiful person inside and out. I am so happy that you and Michelle are alive. I pray those two monsters get what is coming to them. I am proud that you love photography and after your story more people will be aware of their surroundings. Les and I just want to wish you the best in life and we love you.

  3. Im so glad you are ok! ! I can't belive that anyone would do that to another person especially a sweet person like you!

  4. Mariah, I have thought about and prayed for you so much since I first heard. It's hard to believe human beings can be so depraved and evil. I have no doubt, however, that you will grow stronger and more empowered for having survived this ordeal. I've found that survivors are the people that truly influence and change the world and now you have a story to tell. I can't imagine what your family must be thinking and the emotions they must be dealing with. That feeling of being powerless to change or fix this must be overwhelming. I'm so proud of you for speaking out and I pray that justice will be served. - Your cousin Steve Baker!

  5. Smh when I heard this story I literally cried. Especially since we know each other. I'm so glad your ok I dont know what I'd do without you. I love you Sooooo much girl.

  6. Mariah, Thank you for posting this. My daughter and her boy friend spend countless hours taking pictures in Detroit and I will share this with them. Know that I am praying for your physical recovery and that God will help with the emotional recovery. I also hope that the cowards that did this get their just sentence. God Bless, Deacon Don

  7. Mariah...
    You are one incredible women. I know how much this has affected your life but you are a very strong women. I personally know that you are a fighter and I look up to you for it. Each and every day I continue to pray for your recovery and your strength. Sometimes life takes a crazy turn on us, but only the strong survive. You are absolutely beautiful inside and out. That smile is going to come back and so are you. Always think positive and remember I'll always be there.

  8. Oh my goodness, Mariah! Thank you for sharing and I'm SO sorry to hear this happened to you and a friend.

  9. Thanks for sharing/warning. My adult son likes taking the same kind of photos when here from NYC. I've gone with him. Maybe now only with larger group or not at all. Glad you are alive. You are brave in sharing!

  10. Oh my... I never thought I would ever know who this person really was I read about in a teen magazine... I can't tell how confused I am.. when I read it I thought "why are people doing this??!" and now that I know you and the whole story I just can't say a thing... I couldn't breathe.. man... I am so glad you are well ....
